Limicola falcinellus  

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)
click photo for larger image
© Geoff Walker 2013
Manly Boat Harbour, QLD (Dec, 2013)

The differences in the bill of a Curlew Sandpiper (left) and a Broad-billed Sandpiper can be seen in this photo. The Curlew Sandpiper bill is longer and finer and gently downcurved while the Broad-billed Sandpiper is slightly shorter, thicker and straight with a bent tip.

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper with friends

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper in flight

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

Broad-billed Sandpiper